
SEO Hosting Reviews - (2023)

We find that claims to be a great choice for anyone looking to improve their website's visibility online with its assortment of SEO hosting services. They have options for all, including individual bloggers as well as big companies, with prices starting at just $7.87 per month for shared IP hosting, and going up to $374.95 for a dedicated SEO server.

They are quite impressive in their ability to manage a huge number of websites – with a capacity exceeding 3.9 million domains. Their large selection of over a thousand different C Class IPs helps businesses around the world in over 130 countries improve their rankings on search engines.

However, we've noticed a few complaints about their service. Customers have mentioned that the sites hosted with sometimes go offline unexpectedly and it's a letdown not to have access to the popular Plesk control panel Citation​. Other feedback talks about issues like the server crashing often, the server having long downtimes, and unhelpful customer service when fixing these problems Citation​.

Some people also say that the server tools don't always work, the equipment can be slow, and the support staff aren't as responsive or efficient as they'd like Citation​. This has led some to stop using after not getting the help they needed Citation​.

In light of all this, we feel a need to weigh both the pros and cons of On one hand, they have a great variety of services with potential benefits for the right customers – their ability to support a business's online visibility globally is definitely notable. On the other hand, reliable service and trustworthy support are crucial in this field, and it looks like they may have room for improvement here.

With this complete overview, our final thoughts give a rating of 3 out of 5 stars. While their assortment of plans and the SEO-optimized features they offer are appealing factors, the issues with reliability and customer support take away from their overall value. This rating strikes a balance, recognizing that they can be useful while also pointing out where things need to get better.

SEO Hosting Reviews - (2023)


  • Multiple IP Hosting
  • Variety of Hosting Options
  • Uptime and Reliability
  • Customer Support
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Free Migration Support


  • High Pricing
  • Limited Information on the Website
  • Frequent Downtime Issues
  • Dedicated Server Hosting Cost


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